Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Korea.com today update 06/24/12

Hot teasers of Super Junior’s Yesung and Shindong are out!


Teasers of Super Junior’s Yesung and Shindong are out.
On June 24, Yesung and Shindong revealed their teaser images of their upcoming sixth album on the group’s official webpage and Facebook.
In a mysterious, eccentric atmosphere, the boys appeared in masterpiece pictures, making fans awe.
Starting on June 21, each member began to release his teaser image one day after another which was taken with the theme of “Beautiful Men.” They are building more and more expectations for their returning stage.
Super Junior’s new album, Sexy, Free & Single, will be released online on July 1.

cr: en.korea.com , TV Report , Yohana

Korea.com today update 06/24/12

 Miss A’s Suzy recently got her hair messy on Big.


On June 24, the production company of KBS 2TV’s drama series Big released some snapshots of Suzy shooting on the set.
In the snapshots, Suzy is staring at Gong Yoo with her hair messy. She looks lovely as she’s staring at him, hiding behind a sofa.
However, the snapshots are making many viewers curious about why she’s staring at Gong Yoo with her hair messy. It seems strange because she’s supposed to make herself look pretty in front of Gong Yoo as she has waited to see him for so long.
The viewers responded: “Who made Suzy’s hair messy?” “Did she have a fight with Lee Min Jung for Gong Yoo?”
The reason why Suzy is having her hair messy will be revealed in the episode of Big that will air on June 25.

cr: en.korea.com , starnews, YooHaNa

Dear Diary, Aku sungguh putus asa...


Aku masih ngerasa nggak terima ato gimana, masalah kenakan kelas ini.. aku memimpikan masuk IPA. tapi lebih berujung ke IPS. Aku ingin jadi ahli gizi. itu impianku. tapi mengapa Tuhan berkehendak lain? atau guru kimiaku itu yang berkehendak lain. rasanya nggak niat belajar IPS. meski ortu, guru, guru les,temen, semua menyemangati aku, tapi rasanya aku masih nggak terima dengan ini. Seperti rasanya impianku berhenti di sini saja. aku harus bagaimana? aku bingung sendiri sejak menerima masukan dari guru-guru di kantor, rasanya ingin menangis, tetapi aku cuman tersenyum. tapi dibalik senyumanku adalah keputus asaanku. Sampai sekarang aku masih depresi & hampir gila. nggak tau kenapa bisa diem aja begini. Kali ditanya teman IPA/IPS, aku selalu jawab "nggak naek". seperti rasanya tidak naik kelas saja. tiap malem sejak kemaren, aku selalu menangiss. Padahal H-1 nya ketika tengah malem, aku ngga bisa tidur, aku sms Visca, ngajak berdoa bareng. dalam doa aku ngerasa ada yang aneh saja. sulit berkonsentrasi, malah air mataku keluar, dan keluar bayangan bahwa aku nggak naik kelas. Aku menghentikan doa itu. karena rasanya tidak layak untuk kupersembahkan kepada Tuhan. Aku bilang sama teman-teman mereka dalam doaku saat itu, tapi itu tidak benar.. maaf teman2.. :( aku sungguh takut meminta bantuan kepada Tuhan.....

Sekarang, aku hanya diam & diam, hanya beberapa saja yang tau aku gimana sekarang.....